Christmas Gifts Delivery——Choose your Christmas Surprises in Advance!


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MERRY CHRISTMAS  Warm Winter · Christmas Gifts

It is possible for Santa Claus to get lost, but Emperor Group Centre always ensures that our warm gifts reach their recipients. We will randomly select 10 quality messages from the official WeChat account of the Emperor Group Centre, and each winner will be given one Wagas Christmas limited package. Please choose your own Christmas surprise!

● Interactive Topic ●

#How would you like to spend Christmas of 2020#

● Period of Time ●
Message time: December 10 – December 17, 2020 
Collection time: December 17 – December 24, 2020
● Package ●
1 quick set meal, 1 cup of energy juice, and 1 pack of gingerbread cookies

(Note: Winners can redeem the prize at the Wagas Emperor Group Centre store reception using screenshots and identity information within the collection time. They will be deemed to have been given up if the prizes are not collected within the time limit)

MERRY CHRISTMAS  Christmas Wishes· Group Photo

With Christmas atmosphere everywhere, a tree full of blessings is indispensable. Stars shine in the winter night and during Christmas, we look forward to a romantic snowfall and wait for a beautiful encounter. Make this Christmas a truly remarkable time!

Recently, we invited you to come and see the Christmas tree in Emperor Group Centre's building and write down your Christmas wishes. Once you come here, our staff will appear at your side from time to time and take exclusive Christmas Polaroid photos for you to record these unforgettable moments. Emperor Group Centre helps you preserve these moments in a unique way, ensuring that these memorable times last forever.

Everything is lovely during Christmas, and every soul deserves to be treated with gentleness. Emperor Group Centre welcomes the holiday season of Christmas and expects to have a wonderful encounter with you, through our sincere traditions. By customizing your beauty, we intend to offer a romantic expectation for winter.

WARM SEASON Christmas Gifts · 2020

Maybe there is no Santa Claus and all the gifts and surprises come from people who love you! Emperor Group Centre is waiting for you while we hum the winter hymns at a merry Christmas party!

Please follow the official Emperor Group Centre WeChat account. More Christmas surprises and benefits are on their way!

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